China's Porn Crackdown to Create "Benign Internet Environment"

CHINA—Ah, the benevolence of the totalitarian state; one must never forget that when it corrects your behavior, it is only doing so to improve your life—even if it costs you your life. Hopefully, no one will be killed (or executed) as a result of China’s latest call to crack down on pornography, but if anyone is, you’ll probably never gear about it. Oh well. At least you can rejoice in the fact that the state cares enough to institute a crackdown on porn in order to create a "benign Internet environment" for the country’s youth during the summer months.

Anyway, that’s the excuse, according to “The campaign will target porn websites, online games, online advertisements, web pages, columns, forums, blogs, microblogs and social network websites,” it reported. “Websites and online games will be shut down if they are found to contain pornographic information, it said. Government agencies will also carry out checks on shops selling electronic or audio-visual products and Internet bars to eradicate the spread of pornography, according to the statement.”

Don’t you feel better already?