Launches From Creators of PornStarTweet

LAS and its sister platforms on Tuesday announced the final beta tests for their social media and viral experimental site,, are complete and the platform is fully launched.

The creators said offers consumers an interactive platform for news, gossip, events, appearances, trailers, lists and quizzes specifically focused on adult entertainment. Candy kicked off its Beta testing with its “Worst Dressed” coverage of the 2016 AVN Award Red Carpet. Consumers are encouraged to contribute to the site as well by creating lists and quizzes about their favorite adult entertainment topics, stars, websites and movies.

“Candy is a new matrix in consumer focused viral platforming,” said CEO Pete Housley. “We’ve been testing for some time with industry professionals as well as consumers. Not surprisingly, the engagement and view rate of news and media as well as retention/returning users is simply staggering. Consumers look for interactivity, not just boring news items. Candy gives them everything they want.”

For industry professionals was designed "to allow new ways to put news and information in the view of consumers" as marketers can engage with end users directly to post their content which is then pushed out through the PornStarTweet network of social media accounts to more than 750,000 followers and friends.

“We invited industry publicists to test Candy and the response has been great," Housley said. “Future thinking PR professionals see the old method of writing a release and putting it out on the ‘wire’ and hoping that a writer sees it and thinks it worthy of a story—gone. Consumers are looking for news with a side of entertainment. Candy gives marketers new tools to engage consumers ever more hungry for entertainment.” (which also answers on,, and absorbed news and gossip platform,, acquired by the PST Networks in 2013.

For advertisers, the Candy platform offers paid traditional static/rotating banner and background placements, in-line banner placements through interactive content; it also incorporates pre-roll video advertising on most of the videos on the platform. 

“Candy was designed for both the grassroots marketer as well as the well funded ad placement buyers—if you have no budget, limited budget or unlimited budget, Candy offers some very unique ways to get consumers to pay attention to your message,” said Denise Kraft, editor-at-large for the site.

Consumers and industry professionals can sign up for an account to create content on Candy here. For more information contact Kraft at [email protected].