CNBC Interviews Attorney for 'Second Life' Creator

TAMPA, Fla. - The attorney representing Second Life entrepreneur Kevin Alderman, aka Stroker Serpentine, will be interviewed live July 11, on CNBC at 1:40 p.m. EST. The interview will feature Philadelphia-based lawyer Frank Taney, Alderman announced today. The discussion will center on the copyright-infringement lawsuit Alderman filed on July 3.

The lawsuit targets a man who goes by the name Volkov Catteneo, who is accused of unlawfully copying Alderman's creation, the SexGen bed, and selling it for a reduced price. Alderman stated he already has given subpoenas to online payment firm PayPal and Linden Lab — creator of Second Life — until July 20 to hand over the correct identity of Catteneo so that papers may be served.

Alderman, who operates Eros LLC, created the SexGen bed more than two years ago and has been selling the item on Second Life, a 3-D virtual world built and owned by its residents. The bed can be used by the site's residents, but it is not permitted to be duplicated.

"This site is a tight-knit social community," Alderman said. "I've been selling my products on there for the last four years. It is amazing to me that someone would think that they could come in, digitally duplicate a product, and try to sell it as their own for a cheaper price without getting caught."

One of Alderman's customers contacted him about the illegal sale, after which a shocked Alderman sent in an employee to test the theory — which turned out to be true. Alderman subsequently filed suit.

"We are seeking monetary damages and an injunctive relief that is basically an order from the court telling this guy to stop what he is doing and to not do it again," Taney explained. "We view his conduct as a threat to Kevin making a living."