Brittany Andrews Warns Performers Someone's Impersonating Her

NEW YORK CITY—Brittany Andrews and her legal team are putting out a warning to other adult talent that there is an imposter on the loose! Miss Andrews has discovered that people posing as her and her office staff have been contacting girls and scamming them into giving out their private bank account info in exchange for performing a "private" filmed webcam show. Andrews and her lawyers are currently investigating the situation and are urging possible victims to contact her office immediately.

Miss Andrews' production company, Britco Pictures, is currently focusing on mainstream projects, so it was a surprise for her to find out that someone is trying to book talent for explicit webcam shows under her name.

 "The last hardcore adult project my company produced was right before I closed my L.A. studio a few years ago," Andrews said, "so for someone to impersonate me and try to use my name and company staff as a front is preposterous and they will be caught!"

Andrews recently had an imposter on Facebook contacting friends and fans and leaving nasty messages as well.

"I believe the person who created the fake Facebook account has something to do with this," she speculated. "My lawyers are investigating to see if there is a connection."

Andrews and her legal team are asking anyone who has been contacted or has fallen victim to these imposters to please call her office at (213) 268-1070.

Miss Brittany Andrews' official Twitter accounts are here and here, and her official Facebook accounts are here, here, here, here and here.