Blu Cigs Enter Adult Arena Through AEBN

There can be no doubt that smokers are living in an increasingly hostile world. Where just a generation ago ashtrays were de rigueur everywhere from restaurants to airplanes, modern laws and social tolerance of this once widespread pleasure past time have sharply dwindled, leaving smokers literally standing out in the cold.

Well, smokers can rejoice, because there is an intriguing new alternative: Blu Cigs, a smokeless electronic cigarette, which launched on April 18. And affiliate marketers can revel, because Blu Cigs can be promoted just about anywhere — with a 20 percent-plus commission to boot for AEBN affiliates.

Electronic Blu Cigs are actually non-cigarettes, meaning users can partake in any of the now-verboten venues, from restaurants to clubs to planes; the blue tip on the end gives eagle-eyed proprietors, bouncers, and flight attendants the 411 that there may be “smoke,” but there’s no fire.

While there have been other electronic butts on the market for years, Blu Cigs promise the best user experience, part nicotine delivery device, part ultra cool gadget. Explained Jason Healy, Blu Cigs CEO, the key to pushing Blu Cigs to the next level was taking a relatively new concept, tweaking it, and improving not just the product, but the whole user experience.

Running on a rechargeable battery and containing a cartridge filled with water, propylene glycol, nicotine, and tobacco scents, Blu Cigs release simulated smoke, which is actually harmless water vapor. To make good on the promise of a more authentic smoking experience, Blu Cigs produce more “smoke” than other brands, giving the user more deep-inhaling satisfaction, minus the lung-clogging tar and carcinogens.

But the feature that Healy feels makes Blu Cigs distinct is the patented Blu pack, which is the same approximate size as a pack of cigarettes. The pack contains two batteries, five flavor cartridges, one atomizer component, and a wall and USB charger. Batteries last about as long as two whole cartridges; cartridges deliver about 150 puffs — or the equivalent of around 15 traditional cigarettes.

With other e-cigarette options, there is no way to charge batteries when a person is out and about, leaving the smoker no choice but to wait until he or she is home to charge up, an annoyance every cell-phone user has experienced. “This is the largest difference with our product,” Healy pointed out. “Our pack actually charges the cigarettes while you’re out on the go.”

Do users approve? “It’s the first thing that people notice about the product,” Healy reported.

Cartridges are available in four levels of nicotine (full-flavored, light, ultra light, and non-nicotine) and in five different flavors: classic tobacco, magnificent menthol, vivid vanilla, java jolt, and cherry crush.

Flavors were the subject of serious scrutiny, said Healy. “When the product takes off, if the product takes off, the flavors are going to be a huge point of difference,” he stressed, explaining that the flavors were original formulations. “We haven’t just taken a cookie-cutter approach, taken what’s already available and re-branded it,” he said. “We’ve tried to remake a new product within those categories, and provide it to consumers at a price that is much more reasonable than what our competitors do.”

So far, consumers have responded enthusiastically, not surprising given that Blu Cigs are also an economical alternative to costly (and heavily taxed) tobacco sticks.

“Response has been phenomenal,” said Healy. “We’re just struggling to keep up with stock levels — we’ve gone well past our early forecasts … it’s a good problem to have.”

Though not marketed solely in the adult space, Blu Cigs promos are definitely an interesting diversion on porn sites, something unique that will stand out from scads of other fare by the simple fact that they don’t involve T&A. Healy thinks it’s a good mesh.

“It’s a product that blends the lines very well between adult and consumer,” Healy assessed, pointing out that it’s a great way to generate mainstream money in a way that adult customers would be receptive to.

Working with AEBN to access adult was a no-brainer for Healy, who has “known the AEBN guys a long time.” So when the Blu Cigs concept came together, it was a natural fit to partner with them in the adult arena.

“My approach to working with the adult industry as a whole, [the customers] are not from another planet, they’re regular consumers who buy things like everyone else.” And given that the target demographics overlap perfectly (18-to-35s with dispensable income who are comfortable purchasing online), Blu Cigs and adult are in alignment.


This article originally appeared in the July 2009 issue of AVN Online. To subscribe, visit