Billionaire Offers $1M to Anyone Who Streaks President Obama

LOS ANGELES—Alki David, a billionaire heir to a shipping and bottle-plant empire, has put up a million dollar payday to anyone who streaks naked in front of President Barack Obama and has the video to prove it. The offer is part of the model, which pays people to perform crazy stunts on video.

David, a Nigerian-born actor, producer and entrepreneur, also is the head of, a website that enables the subscription-based viewing of live television and the pay-per-view downloading of mainstream movies.

According to the Daily Telegraph, the 42-year-old David originally offered $100,000 for the Obama steak prank, but raised it to one million dollars this Tuesday after realizing that it might not be enough money to induce someone to strip down before the leader of the free world.

“The only catch is the person has to have the website's name [BattleCam] scrawled across their stomach,” said the paper, which added that the prominent Leventis family member was well aware that the stunt comes with some inherent risks to the streaker and himself.

“I have thought about the Secret Service taking me aside and pulling me behind the White House bicycle shed but this is all in good fun,” he said.  “I find most Americans are able to laugh at themselves. It is not as if there are any negative intentions. It is just a silly, outrageous prank which is not going to hurt anyone.

“There is no threat at all,” he added. “It is not as if I am challenging someone to hurl an egg at him or do something that could be perceived as violent. This is a classic (prank) act.”

He added that he is a fan of Obama’s, but business is business. “I have a huge amount of respect for the man, but in terms of promoting my product what can I say? Wrong president, wrong time.”