Beloved Webmaster, AfterShockMedia David, Passes

CYBERSPACE—AfterShockMedia David, a beloved adult webmaster and longtime member of the adult internet industry passed away March 18 of undisclosed causes.

Condolences from friends and colleagues poured in to multi-page threads on webmaster boards for several days following his passing. The news was posted to GFY by David's friend, Jenni Dahling, who wrote, "His devoted wife is still in shock over his passing but is also at peace knowing that David is no longer suffering. She plans on celebrating his life on March 28th, which would be David's birthday, and ask that you remember him in your hearts that day."

Though the exact year of his entrance into the industry is unknown, it was very early on by all accounts, sometime in 1995-6.

David worked for affiliate programs through the years, most recently as affiliate program manager for SluttyDollars, but his main focus was his own company, Aftershock Media, and he was often adamant about presenting himself as working for his own entity, and as a subcontractor for others.

His own website,, remains active and his friends request that traffic continue to be sent to it out of respect and as a means of support for David's loving wife, Julia.