ASACP Welcomes New Advisory Council Members

LOS ANGELES – The Association of Sites Advocating Child Protection (ASACP) announced Thursday four new members joining its Advisory Council: MJ McMahon of AVN Online, Brad Eells of Larry Flynt Publications Internet Group, Eric Johnson of Sureflix, and Oystein Wright of Mansion Productions. 

The Advisory Council consists of industry leaders who volunteer their time and expertise to help direct ASACP’s efforts and resources. AC members represent different industry segments and provide input on pertinent issues including strategic planning, business practices, technology, service development, government outreach and marketing.

 "As any association progresses and matures, so does its requirements for its Advisory Council," said ASACP CEO Joan Irvine.  "ASACP has accomplished so much in its child protection effort with its CP reporting hotline and its Restricted to Adults – RTA Website Label. Now it needs to focus on future child protection technologies, international expansion, and additional government and mainstream outreach. Because of this, ASACP has added four new members to its Advisory Council. I want to welcome: Oystein Wright, MJ McMahon, Brad Eells, and Eric Johnson. Each one brings an expertise that will help ASACP achieve its additional goals."

MJ McMahon is the publisher of AVN Online and a company vice president. He oversees editorial direction, sales, business development, and strategic partnerships for AVN Online and Internext.  With a journalism background working for daily newspapers and trade magazines, McMahon has developed innovative seminar programs for both AVN and partner trade shows; overseen a complete revamp of AVN Online’s design and editorial focus; and has been a regular speaker at industry events.

Eells is the vice president and general manager of LFP Internet Group, LLC, the online division of Hustler.  Previously in the mainstream, since entering the adult arena in 2005, he has completely overhauled LFP's online operations, launched the highly successful HustlerCash affiliate program, and redesigned the online brands,,,,  and

Johnson is the President of Sureflix Digital Distribution.  Founded in 2000, Sureflix is a leading digital distributor of gay adult programming in the worldwide television, mobile and Internet VOD markets, including IPTV. Sureflix operates the largest network of premium gay pay-per-view VOD Websites including its award winning flagship site,  The company was named “Business of the Year” by the Free Speech Coalition in 2008/

Wright is the CEO of Mansion Productions LLC, with more than 15 years of experience in the information technology sector, including 12 years in the adult online industry focusing on high-risk processing, affiliate program software, content management software and membership website management.  As CEO and partner of Mansion Productions, he has managed the success of the best selling software's MPA3, MAS, and VIST, as well as a highly-touted Web desig department.

"The AC members are my advisors, as such we all establish a closer relationship," Irvine said. "While we are welcoming four new AC Members, two members are stepping down.  Holly M. and Scott Rabinowitz became AC members over four years ago when we needed expert marketing advice. In addition to their overall business and industry knowledge, Holly helped with the look and feel of the ASACP marketing materials and Scott helped optimize its websites so that it garnered more mainstream visibility and potential contributions. Both were instrumental during the development and launch of the now internationally recognized and award winning Restricted to Adults – RTA Website Label. I want to thank Holly and Scott for their dedication and personal commitment to the ASACP child protection mission. I will miss them. However, I know that as with other prior AC members, I can still contact them for advice.”

Founded in 1996, ASACP is a non-profit organization dedicated to eliminating child pornography from the Internet through its CP reporting hotline, and by organizing the efforts of the online adult industry to combat the heinous crime of child sexual abuse. ASACP also works to help parents prevent children from viewing age-inappropriate material online, through initiatives like its RTA (“Restricted to Adults”) website label. For more information, go to