Wicked Sensual Care Spotlights Justice From Fascinations in Tempe

LOS ANGELES – Wicked Sensual Care has selected Justice of Fascinations in Tempe, Ariz. for its Retail Employee Spotlight.

Arizona’s Fascinations retail shop #10, located at 838 W. Elliot Road, where Justice serves as an associate, currently has more than 170 4.5 out of 5 reviews on Google.

Each month a new outstanding individual in the pleasure products segment is selected for the honor which is also featured in the Wicked Sensual Care newsletter.

A retail veteran, Justice was recognized for his notable and varied product knowledge makes him a trusted member of the Fascinations family. “A lot of our customers aren’t familiar with the sex world. Whether it is due to their upbringing or negative stereotyping about sex and adult stores, the reasons go on and on," he said.

“At Fascinations, we try to flip the script when it comes to adult stores,” Justice explained. “One way I try to go about that is to give our visitors accurate, up-to-date product information: what certain products are, what materials they use, how they work, and what their warranties cover. There is so much product out there, and the sheer volume can become overwhelming and lead to feelings of inadequacy.”

“Armed with a smile and a calm demeanor, I try to nip those feelings in the bud,” he adds. “First and foremost, I want them to feel at ease, and I try to give them multiple recommendations based on the information they’ve provided. I look to AVN and the other websites for reviews…  to read up on the newest products, and learn about what’s coming out. I attend every seminar and test every product so I can give customers my personal, informed recommendations.”  

Those working in the retail sector of the pleasure products space are invited to nominate employees and colleagues who continuously exceed expectations and deserve recognition for their ability to position themselves as product and industry experts. To nominate, please submit an individual’s name, store name, location/city, store social media handles, and a brief paragraph about why they deserve to be a honored (photograph optional) to [email protected].  

“Having a dedicated, product-savvy employee can make all the difference in our retail partners’ stores,” said Wicked Sensual Care Sales Director Jennifer Brice. “A forward-thinking customer service associate like Justice elevates both the customer experience and his entire team. We see you and we celebrate you, Justice!”

Justice is on Instagram, Tik Tok, and Twitter.

For more information, please visit WickedSensualCare.com and follow the brand on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.