Web Series ‘Dicks with Don’ Debuts From Nalpac

FERNDALE, Mich.—Nalpac has aired the first installment of the new web series Dicks with Don.

Dicks with Don features senior Nalpac buyer Don Zerilli—who has 16 years of industry experience—breaking down the top items retailers and consumers need to buy and what they should stay away from.

Dicks with Don is one of the most creative and funniest things I have the opportunity to do so far in my career with Nalpac. Both retail and consumer education are so important, but we wanted to present the information in a fun and less formal setting because after all, sex and pleasure products are supposed to be fun! Every webisode will be different items that are fun, fashionable and trendy,” Zerilli said.

The concept for Dicks with Don came creatively by accident during an impromptu meeting at ANME about product knowledge and education. Looking for options that were less academic and more about fun, enhancing pleasure, and getting some laughs, Nalpac created Dicks with Don.

The first Dicks with Don webisode features items from Nasstoys presented by Zerilli and Taylor Means, a Nasstoys sales representative. Together, Don and Taylor take a look at the Nasstoys Natural RealSkin Hot Cocks and Nasstoys Infinitt Suction Massager #2. The Natural RealSkin Hot Cocks heat up for added sensation and are also bendable with tremendous detail. Taylor demonstrates the suction power of the Infinitt Suction Massager #2 by letting it hang off her thumb as she points out the other features. Don gives both items positive reviews and recommends retailers add these items to their shelves.

“From a creative and marketing standpoint, we wanted to develop something that would make people laugh but also be informative and convey important products information. Don is absolutely hilarious and after our first impromptu Dicks with Don at ANME I knew we had to make this into a Nalpac web series for everyone to enjoy,” said Amy Lazzara, Nalpac’s creative director.

To celebrate the launch of Dicks with Don, Nalpac will pick one winner to receive Nasstoys’ Natural RealSkin Hot Cocks #1, #2, and #3, along with Nasstoys Infinitt Suction Massager #2 in pink and purple. Participants wishing to qualify must follow Nalpac on social media and like, share or comment on the Dicks with Don webisode. Entries must be over the age of 18 and must reside in the USA. Contest ends at 9 a.m. EST, Friday, Nov. 23.

To watch Dicks with Don, visit Nalpac’s YouTube Channel

For more, visit Nasstoys.com.