Sportsheets Offers Style Guides for Reseller Support

CERRITOS, Calif. — Sportsheets on Monday announced it is offering style guides designed for reseller support. The company created the guides to help maintain brand-wide consistency and supply additional information for their customer's marketing and creative teams.

Sportsheets said it strives for creative consistency with a central location for all their customers to find the information they need for reselling or creating marketing assets. Each style guide offers a set of standards that are easy to follow, like the 2022 LaCire Style Guide which was used to help to inspire the New York City’s Museum of Sex window display, Some Like It Hot.

“Style guides are a fantastic tool because they are essentially a one-stop-shop,” says Kelly Sofferman, brand marketing manager. “If a store manager needs the measurements of a dildo, it’s there. If a graphic artist needs the pantone of the logo, it’s there. For companies who have short turn-around times or small teams, we can give them creative resources to work with immediately."

Each time a new collection or series of products is launched, an accompanying style guide that gives resellers all the information they will need to train staff, create digital assets, concept campaigns, and more will be, too. From approved logos, typefaces, color palette and measurements to materials, copy and more—Sportsheets offers style guides created by their internal creative team.

The latest style guide, April 2022, covers both the Kits Collection and the Bow Tie Collection by Sincerely, and offers many examples of digital assets as well as specific product descriptions and specs. They are ideal for customer’s creative or marketing teams to use to develop their own assets while staying true to the Sportsheets brand.

For more information on style guides, visit or email [email protected].