Seymore Butts Penning New Book

LOS ANGELES—Adam Glasser—aka Seymore Butts, author of Rock Her World: The Sex Guide For The Modern Man and former producer/star of Showtime’s original reality series Family Business—announces his latest book project, The How To Survive A Reality Show Handbook.

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Whether drawing upon personal experience, pointing examples of other’s infamous reality show train-wreck moments, or sharing secrets culled from his vast network of industry insiders, Glasser aims to inform anyone considering participation in a reality show everything they should know or think about before making the commitment and how to maximize the opportunity, both during and after filming of the show. Included will be chapters on reality show pay rates, choosing the right show for you, avoiding embarrassment, contract negotiation, how to get on your favorite reality show, maximizing the opportunity, and how to create your own reality series.

“I started work on this shortly after finishing the final season of Family Business but had to pause on it when the opportunity to write Rock Her World was presented,” said Glasser. “I knew then that it was a subject I wanted to address simply because of my personal experiences. Years of watching the proliferation of shows such as Bad Girls Club, Big Brother, Survivor, 16 & Pregnant, Basketball Wives and of course the entire Housewives of … roster did nothing but confirm to me the need for this book. The most recent reality-related suicide tragedy was the last straw, so to speak, which actually spurred me to unearth my original outline and get to work! I expect to be finished with the manuscript within the next three months, and I’m currently considering a variety of publishing options.”

Glasser’s first book, Rock Her World: The Sex Guide for the Modern Man, was published by Gotham Books. calls the book, “funny and sexy!”  For more information on Rock Her World: The Sex Guide for the Modern Man visit