pjur Launches Summer-Long #LoveIsLove Campaign

WASSERBILLIG, Luxembourg—With Pride 2021 now underway, lubricant manufacture pjur kicks off a campaign of acceptance and tolerance dubbed #LoveIsLove, symbolized by a special limited Rainbow edition of its pjur Original product featuring a rainbow design on its label.

At the heart of the #LoveIsLove campaign, according to promotional materials, is a "Share Your Story" initiative inviting people worldwide to submit stories reflecting the diversity of love. Running throughout the summer months, the campaign follows pjur's #normalizelube venture, and asks for a full spectrum of love stories to be submitted through the #LoveIsLove website, where a selection of entries will be published.

The campaign, notes a company announcement, "aims to empower people to celebrate life and love in all their diversity regardless of age, gender, sexual orientation, preferences, appearances or abilities."

Adds the announcement, "pjur aims to highlight its commitment to diversity, acceptance and tolerance with its pjur Original Rainbow edition."

The pjur Original formula "provides extra-long-lasting lubrication and leaves the skin feeling great, not sticky," the company notes. "The silicone-based personal lubricant is a universal companion for erotic massages, vaginial and anal intercourse and masturbation."

For more information, visit www.pjur.com/loveislove