'New Rules of Sex Summit' to Feature 20 Sexperts

From July 30 to August 8, 20 of the country’s top sex therapists, sex researchers, doctors, and sex educators will offer free online talks that offer some sexual “re-education.” The idea, says organizer Dr. Lauren Brim, is to “supercharge your health, love, and sex life.” From sex toys to “orgasmic yoga” to “solosexuality” (sex with yourself, which is the next best thing), the seminars sound like they'll be info-taining, fascinating and fun.

Sex researcher and NYU professor Dr. Zhana Vrangalova will present “The Science of Casual Sex,” while Madison Young will present “Feminist Porn, Kink, BDSM, and Motherhood.” Lou Paget will feature her classic “How To Be a Great Lover” seminar, while Dr. Martha Lee will talk about “Orgasmic Yoga and Sexual Skills in Relationships.” Eileen Kelly will discuss “Social Media, Millennials, and Sex,” and Rahi Chun will talk about “Sexual Healing for Greater Pleasure.”

And if that isn’t enough sex for you, Ashley Manta will weigh in on “Cannabis, Sex, and Overcoming Shame,” while Dr. Brandye Wilson-Manigat will discuss “Gynecological Health, Menopause, and Libido.” (Great sex has no expiration date.) “I want everyone 18-100 to listen in, watch, and then evolve in their own bedrooms,” says Dr. Brim.

More knowledge equals more pleasure equals next-level sex is the concept behind the summit. The online talks are free, but the entire 10 days of talks may be uploaded post-sex talk for $67. Some of the speakers are even giving out free gifts, like free videos or taped seminars to download.

Dr. Ava Cadell says of her speech, “Sex Toys for Healing, Novelty, and Pleasure” (part of her course on the “The Big O” for Lovelogy University), “First I give an overview of the history of sex toys and then discuss how toys can help with sexual issues or incompatibilities. I give advice on what couples can use to create novel experiences in long-term relationships and address the worry that many men have about sex toys being a penis replacement.” (Don’t worry, dudes; most people will take a real penis over a fake one.)

"Education is one of the most important techniques to improve our sex lives,” says Dr. Brim. “Your sex life will never be the same again.”

To register for free, go to TheNewRulesOfSex.com.