Vibratex Teases Audio Series 'Making Magic' on Magic Wand

NEW YORK—In celebration of the Magic Wand's 56th anniversary, North American distributor Vibratex held an event Monday at New York's Museum of Sex where it previewed upcoming limited audio series "Making Magic" by sex writer and podcaster Kate Sloan examining the societal impact of the wildly popular device.

The "Magic Wand Day" event included an expert panel facilitated by Elite Daily editor Sarah Ellis, with Sloan, author and Spectrum Boutique CEO Zoe Ligon, and certified sex educator and Magic Wand director of marketing Sarah Tomchesson.

Guests previewed "Making Magic" with an interactive, retrospective collage installation that included links to series teasers. Throughout the series, Sloan explores numerous topics with guests including why the Magic Wand is so beloved, sex-positive feminism pioneer Betty Dodson’s impact on the popularity of the Wand, Magic Wand inspired art, the Wand’s importance to the LGBTQ+ community, and what's next for wand vibrators.  

"Making Magic" features 35 sex experts, sex educators, shop owners, as well as fans of the brand, including Dr. Carol Queen, Hallie Lieberman, Dr. Laurie Mintz, Lynn Comella, Danielle Bezalel, Lorrae Bradbury, Sinclair Sexsmith, Danarama, Stoya and more. The series tells Magic Wand’s unique story that has, over the course of 55-plus years, quietly challenged the stigma and shame that society has assigned to female pleasure and connects listeners to the stories of people whose lives have been changed by the Magic Wand. 

"Making Magic" will be available to stream May 30 on all podcast streaming services. Learn more at

To learn more about the full range of Magic Wand models, email [email protected] or contact your preferred distribution channel.