Indiegogo Fundraising Campaign Set for The Nooky Box

MISSOULA, Mont.—Curated pleasure products subscription service The Nooky Box announced the launch of a new campaign on the Indiegogo fundraising platform. The company seeks to raise $50,000. 

The Nooky Box is a quarterly subscription box designed to improve customers' sexual experiences. Each themed box includes premium body-safe toys and lube, an erotic story and a suggested music playlist.

Launched just over a year ago, the Nooky Box has broken barriers and shifted conversations around sex, desire and relationships. According to founder & CEO Meg Ross, the Nooky Box "was the first to market with a thoughtfully curated subscription box created to help people enjoy their bodies, without fear or shame."

Funds raised by the campaign will be used to propel the start-up's second year of operation and to launch the company's new signature boxes. These boxes are curated by theme, purpose or interest and include the Glass Box, Travel Box, Bro Box and Lube Box, among others. The cost for the quarterly subscription is $79, while signature boxes will range from $55 to $380.

The Nooky Box has carved a unique place within the sex toy industry with its mission of changing the conversation around sex, increasing sexual wellness and enhancing partner intimacy. Ross notes the curation process is central to the company's success. 

“We look for non-exploitive companies that pair high-quality, safe products with a welcoming attitude toward all people, regardless of race, gender or sexual orientation. It's the core of who we are,” she said.

One such vendor partner is Maureen Pollack, founder of the WaterSlyde, a unique sex toy designed to increase a women's sexual wellness, intimacy and desire. The WaterSlyde will be included in the Nooky Box's signature Menopause Box.

“Maureen has created an innovative toy that helps women increase their libido while enhancing partner intimacy,” Ross said. “It's the perfect fit for the Nooky Box.”

Pollack is equally pleased with the partnership. 

“The Nooky Box is a game changer, tastefully bringing together products and toys that deliver exceptional experiences,” she said. “We're thrilled to partner with them.”

Ross is optimistic about the Indiegogo campaign. 

“People have embraced our mission and our products,” she said. “The more we dive into this industry, the clearer it becomes how needed the Nooky Box truly is. I'm excited to raise the funds to continue on this path.”

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