HPPPA Announces Organization Relaunch

CYBERSPACE—HPPPA (Home Pleasure Party Plan Association) has announced the relaunch of its networking organization.

2024 marks the 19th anniversary of the HPPPA, which has reopened as HPPPA 2.0, to include party plan owners and well-established sex educators, such as Lisa Lawless, Ph.D., Sunny Megatron, Linnea Marie, Dr. Marjha Hunt, Ngozi D.Walker-Tibbs and Debra Shade  

The organization says its goals are to keep abreast of the changes in the industry and its business models, and to build on the sexual health and wellness communities. HPPPA will continue holding one-on-one interactions with manufacturers, enabling HPPPA to strengthen its working relationships and develop new opportunities with the industry and consumers. 

The HPPPA has declared that it is no longer a membership organization and will conduct its business via zoom and a private Facebook group. However, it will continue to foster the group with selected party plan owners and sex educators. 

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