Erika Lust Celebrates Its 20th Anniversary

BARCELONA—This year, Erika Lust is celebrating 20 years of erotic moviemaking. To date, Lust has produced over 300 titles.

To celebrate the last 20 years, Lust will host exclusive events, stream "The Good Girl"—Lust’s first erotic short—for free, and publish Erika Lust Archives: 2004-2024, a 200-page hardback photography book exploring the broad spectrum of human sexuality, beyond heteronormativity, in which Lust and her community of collaborators look back on their extensive body of work and share their first-hand experiences of working together. The book features interviews with guest director, writer, actress and performer Stoya; writer, director and editor Maximus Skaff; sex workers’ rights activist and performer María Riot; Lust’s partner, Pablo Dobner; as well as crew members, sexologists and many other key voices.

Over the last 20 years, Lust has shown how cinema can be a tool for feeding the sexual imagination, building empathy and shaping the way we perceive others; how representation on screen can foster inclusion and normalization in real life. Lust’s intention from the start has always been that her work serves as a valuable reference and catalyst for meaningful conversations, nurturing a deeper understanding of the nuances and intricacies of human sexual experiences. 

“I believe that everybody deserves pleasure, that all bodies are inherently desirable, and their very existence is cause for celebration," Lust said. "I believe that pleasure is power and that by showing people of different genders, sexualities, races, sizes and ages enjoying themselves, we can all begin picturing ourselves in control over our own sexuality. And dare to explore our desires more deeply.“ 

Since making "The Good Girl," Lust has grown into a company that blurs the lines between porn and cinema; challenges gender norms; gives artists a platform to create without the restrictions imposed by data-driven algorithms; and has been an advocate for sex workers’ rights, sex education and sex positivity.      

Behind the sensuality on screen is a feminist workplace that has perfected its own ethical production processes over 20 years. 

“I’ve never felt more valued and cared for as a performer. Working with Erika has taught me valuable insights into creating a collaborative and empowering environment for performers," offered Mickey Mod. "Overall, my experiences with her have been nothing short of transformative. From learning how to create a comfortable and respectful set environment to approaching adult content with artistic integrity, she has truly shaped how I approach my work.“ 

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