Entrenue Named U.S. Distributor of Me Arousal Gel

PHOENIX—One can always count on adult distributor Entrenue to have a finger on the virtual pulse of the pleasure product industry. And its latest discovery is an arousal gel that promises to provide stimulation without irritation.

Entrenue is now the sole U.S. distributor for Me arousal gel, a potion that is oil-free, L-arginine-free, and formulated without alcohol or irritants. Touted as “the Red Bull of arousal gels,” Me offers an arousing physical sensation immediately on application that lasts up to 45 minutes without the need to reapply.

According to Entrenue, this sustained reaction is possible because the gel penetrates seven layers below the skin’s surface to draw blood to the clitoris without the use of irritants and ingredients commonly found in arousal products. With just one small application and no rubbing, Me takes effect immediately, resulting in a warming and cooling sensation.

“We’re excited about Me arousal gel; it is unique in that it is highly effective while remaining body-friendly,” Entrenue Senior Sales and Buyer Kim Maty said. “Our customers report that this one is already a big seller and users report that it has enhanced their love lives, allowing them to apply it on the drive home from work and arrive home raring to go! We’re thrilled to be the exclusive U.S. distributor of such an impressive product.”

Me arousal gel is packaged in a pink bottle and boxed with a grab-and-go sample. The bright and inviting box creates an eye-catching in-store display.

Entrenue is celebrating its 25th anniversary this year. New clients are invited to sign up and celebrate with specials available only to Entrenue customers. To place an order, call (800) 368-7268, email [email protected] or visit Entrenue.com.