Adam & Eve Releases E-Book '50 Years of Great Sex'

HILLSBOROUGH, N.C.—In honor of the brand's 50th anniversary, Adam & Eve and have partnered with resident sex therapist Dr. Jenni Skyler, PhD, LMFT and CST, to create, launch and distribute new e-book 50 Years of Great Sex

This book explores the past 50 years of America's often conflicting relationship with sexuality while providing insight into sexual health and pleasure.

"Sex in America has evolved enormously in the last 50 years—from how we think about it to how we have it," says Dr. Jenni. "Primetime television used to only show heterosexual married couples sleeping in separate beds, whereas today all kinds of couples have all kinds of sex (albeit under the sheets). We've broken down the bedroom door to shatter sexual taboos involving interracial relationships, same-gendered relationships, sexual orientation, gender identification, sexual activity, open relationships and more. The topic of sex has transformed from a subject you don't talk about into the main headliner of countless online and social media mentions. And Adam & Eve has been around the past 50 years to see it all."

While this book is a short read, it covers everything from the sexual revolution of the '70s to the shutdown in the '80s to the reignited freedom of sexual expression in the '90s and 2000s . 

Dr. Jenni also shares her knowledge of toy ideas, instructions on optimizing self-pleasure, the mechanics of oral sex and more.

"I'm so excited about this book because it's short and accessible for all readers, offering a diversity of options to create a fun, pleasurable and pressure-free sex life," Dr. Jenni said. 

Find 50 Years of Great Sex here.

As two added bonuses, visitors can download the Kindle version of the book here and visitors to can use the code DRJENNI at checkout to receive 35 percent off almost any one item, plus free shipping.