Zip Zap Toys, Just in Case Support V-Day Charity

SAN DIEGO - Zip Zap Toys, an online company that promotes erotic products dedicated to women's sexual empowerment, will donate 20 percent from sales of Just in Case Rendez-Vous Red compacts to the global V-Day movement to stop violence against women and girls.


Through the sale of the condom compacts, Zip Zap Toys Educational Director Dr. Jennifer Gunsaullus, aka Dr. Jenn, is combining her dedication to sexual-health education with V-Day fundraising.


"Unfortunately, in many ways, it is still taboo for women to carry their own condoms," Gunsaullus said. "Yet, if they are sexually active, it's an invaluable way to take responsibility for their pleasure and health, and ensure that the condom has been protected from potential damage. Condom compacts are a fun way to be smart and sexy."


Rendez-Vous Red condom compacts ($25) open to reveal a mirror and have a hidden compartment that holds and protects up to two condoms. The shiny red compacts are flashy but discreet.


Just in Case has also received wide mainstream exposure in last year. Most recently, it was featured on Isaac Mizrahi’s Studio Blog and the founders of the company appeared on Oprah.

Zip Zap Toys will make its donations to V-Day through March 31.