Where Are The Sex Toys From ‘Pain & Gain’?

LOS ANGELES—Turns out even the people who make good money making big-budget movies aren’t above the occasional five-finger discount.

In a recent conversation with The Daily Beast, A-list director Michael Bay talked about the $75,000 he secured solely to buy sex toys for use as props in his latest flick Pain and Gain and said toys’ eventual vanishing act.

From the article:


There was plenty of testosterone on the set of Pain and Gain. What’s the craziest thing that happened while filming?

We bought $75,000 worth of sex toys to stock the sex-toy warehouse. I could have filmed the crew coming in that day because they’d stop and see these things—anatomically correct vajayjays and this butt (everyone would touch the butt because it felt real)—and it was hysterical. We were going to return all the sex toys to get three-quarters of our money back, but they started disappearing. We were like, “Who is taking the sex toys?”


OK, seriously … who IS taking the sex toys? The main actors, who could easily send some mope out to get them their own realistic vajayjays and butts, or the hard-working crew members who might resent the likes of Michael Bay for Michael Bay-ing practically every potentially amazing movie he is associated with and think they deserve a little fun of their own.

No matter the answer, the thing that really creeps us out is that Bay planned to return the sex toys in the first place. After they had been manhandled by everyone and their brother (“everyone would touch the butt because it felt real”). Ewww. Serves the cheapo right that things got lifted.


Photo Still From Pain and Gain, Paramount Pictures