WSJ Examines Sex Toy Dave

LOS ANGELES—Dave Levine, aka Sex Toy Dave, continues to garner more and more mainstream exposure.

Most recently, The Wall Street Journal’s Speakeasy interviewed Sex Toy Dave, asking him about everything from his unusual marketing and branding techniques (appearing on reality TV shows) to his interactions with Ryan Jenkins on VH1’s Megan Wants a Millionaire.

After appearing twice on Bravo’s Millionaire Matchmaker, Sex Toy Dave, owner of, signed up for the new VH1 show, where reality TV veteran Megan Hauserman searched for the millionaire who give her the trophy wife status she so desperately wants. Jenkins was also a contestant on the show, which was cancelled after only three episodes aired once Jenkins – who was being sought by California authorities in the death of his new wife Jasmine Fiore – reportedly committed suicide in a hotel room in British Columbia, Canada.

Though Sex Toy Dave is prohibited from talking about the show, despite its cancellation, he did answer a question about whether he was friends with Jenkins during filming, which wrapped March 30.

“When you say ‘friends,’ I am friends with everybody and nobody is my friend. I have a few real friends from Boston. I have a couple of friends in Hollywood who are real friends. When I walk out to a bar I know everybody and everybody is my best friend. Do you know what I am saying? So yeah, Ryan was a friend. It’s cool. I am friends with everybody,” he told Speakeasy.

For the complete interview, visit