Victoria’s Secret Should Stay Under Wraps, Say Protesters

OREM, Utah – Protesters braved frigid temperatures this weekend to protest mega-retailer Victoria's Secret, calling the chain's advertising too racy.


Groups like the American Decency Association, the Lighted Candle Society, and Parents Television Council called for a boycott, urging shoppers to look elsewhere until the company issues more conservative campaigns.


Protest Aaron Bylund told a Deseret News reporter, "These are powerful images. And they affect children in a negative way." Another protester said that women are made to feel insecure by the scantily clad models who advertise for the lingerie chain.


Until the stores' ads meet the groups' standards for family appropriateness, the protesters say they'll encourage people to shop elsewhere. "It's nothing against their products," Orem resident Eric Bylund says. "We just do not want to reward their inappropriate ads by giving them money."


However, the protest did not appear to deter most shoppers, as the store experienced a typical pre-holiday weekend. "They probably tame it down quite a bit here," says shopper Rich Lewis. "It's a lingerie stop-what do you want 'em to show?"


The protesters may not have an answer for that, but they certainly know what they don't want to see. "You don't even need those signs with half-naked women," says Eric Bylund. "And that kind of stuff shouldn't even exist on public TV."


Source: Deseret News