Offering Free Vibes To Furloughed Fed Employees

DETROIT—What should federal employees do during the shutdown? Get a free vibrator.

Today, announced it will show support for furloughed federal employees by offering them a free vibrator, shipped privately and discreetly to their door.

“We feel bad for the federal employees affected by the shutdown,” said a product specialist at  “There is a lot of satisfaction in doing good work, without work to be done, that sense of accomplishment is lost.  That must be stressful.  We were discussing that our products relieve stress and create satisfaction.  We decided to do a giveaway to help out.”

The offer requires no purchase and is offered to any federal employee who finds themselves with too much time and not enough to do. will ship the item from their warehouse in Troy, Mich.

The vibrator itself is nice, if not unassuming: A small, pink model with the logo printed on the side. It is a well-performing and quiet toy.

“We are very picky about what products we sell and ship.  Compared to any other free gift, I think our free vibrator is a great item,” said Tom Nardone, president of PriveCo,’s parent company.

What are the rules? Navigating the method of getting a free vibrator will be a little tricky. The vibrators can be found here. Put the vibe in your shopping cart (only one per customer). Choose the shipping method "Ground" (not Free Shipping, but Ground) and use the coupon code "Shutdown."  The purchase will be completely free of charge.  Customers will also receive free shipping on anything else you want to order.

There are some limits. They are giving away 200 free vibes per day for as long as the shutdown lasts. They have capped the offer due to limits in the warehouse capacity. The longer the shutdown lasts, the more free vibrators they will give. When the shutdown finally ends, so will the offer.

For more information, visit