Aerial Ad Pulled Down

NEW YORK - Responding to complaints from local residents, a judge ordered online retailer to ground a banner advertisement flying above the South Padre Islands. spokesman Keith Levenson told AVN Novelty Business that the judge oversees the county airport.


"He took it upon himself to ground the aircraft," he said. "Many residents were on holiday on the island celebrating with their families. The extent of what powers the politicians think they have is ludicrous."


The 25-by 68-foot pink banner featured the company logo, a silhouette of a woman and "Got Toys?"


"There were no representations of toys, but homeowners still put in many complaint calls, and the banner was ultimately grounded," Levenson said. "With today's abstinence message being promoted, this is one method for still fulfilling one's sexual appetite. I'm angry the ad got pulled and sorry that thousands of South Padre Island beachgoers missed out on discovering that a fun day at the beach is well complemented by a fun night in bed." said airport officials required the pilot to sign an agreement to not fly any aerial banners until he agreed to not fly the banner.

The ad flew one of its scheduled three days during Easter weekend.