ToiBocks Picked Up by The Pleasure Chest

LOS ANGELES - Legendary adult retail chain The Pleasure Chest has picked up The Original ToiBocks storage chest and is already planning on carrying the manufacturer's new ToiTissue as soon as it is available.


The Pleasure Chests' senior supervisor, Shawn Petraborg, told AVN Novelty Business what drew him to ToiBocks was the quality of the construction and smooth design of the box.


"When I looked over the box, I thought it was great but figured it was just a jewelry box," he said. "That's what I was thinking anyway. Then she pulled what I can assume is now her famous trick and asked me to remove the top tray. I couldn't. It was locked. Along with quality construction, the ToiBocks has a magnetic key, which is discreet because it is a design element of the box."


The magnetic key found inside the ToiBocks chest is attached inside the lid and is used to remove the tray inside to reveal a hidden storage space.


"You can hide cash, jewelry, and for Pleasure Chest customers, a selection of toys, which increased the box's appeal to me," Petraborg continued. "A lot of hide-a-toy boxes are obvious and the ToiBocks design is tasteful and discreet. I keep mine in the living room to show it off, but nobody knows what's inside."


Petraborg told ANB since displaying the chest in his West Hollywood location customers are loving it, too.


For more information, or to place an order for the ToiBocks, contact Dawn Tulman at 818-392-8558.