Small Manufacturer, Big Steps Forward

AUBURN, Wash. - At the AVN Novelty Expo you can be sure of two things: a mind-boggling selection of novelties from the big manufacturers displayed in vast, creative booths and an intimate look at smaller novelty professionals. Dawn Goodman, sole owner and operator of adult sex and romance game manufacturer Ball and Chain, is one such small professional. She feels that trade shows like the ANE and a growing product selection help her business take big steps forward.


With five years in business, Goodman is enjoying dancing along to a steady beat. She told ANB, "April was my fifth year in business! Although it has been five years, it took a good year to even get going. I feel as though the last year or so I am finally getting myself out there. People are calling me now for my product. It's not me anymore bugging them to test one of my games out. They now want to know what is next and what will be on display at the next ANE."


One great aspect of the ANE is the opportunity to get face-time with customers and getting leads for more outlets. She said, "The most important part about exhibiting at ANE is being able to have face-time with all my current customers. When I get a new international customer, sometimes we will correspond only via email for several months. So, ANE is the way to finally meet them face to face. Getting new leads and showing off your new items is always a big plus." Not to mention, she thinks the trade isn't just business, it's "fun, too!"


Having expanded her game offerings by 14 items in the past year and a half and having displayed well over two dozen items at her booth this past ANE, Goodman found that it is much easier to catch the attention to buyer with a bigger selection. With additional games like Bound by Love, I.O.U. Hot Sex, and Secret Romance in addition to bachelorette and other items, Goodman feels her larger selection "has given her more opportunities," including shelf space at mainstream national retail chain Spencers. Though, she makes no airs about it being easy to crack the mainstream.


"It is hard to say how you get the attention of a mainstream buyer because, as with every buyer in every industry, everyone likes different packaging and styles. I have sold to Spencer's in the past, but as with every company they want something new and fresh each year, so your product may not stay in stores for very long. You never know from year to year which buyers will like your new products and if one product will be popular for more than a year. I just try not take it personal when they say no and enjoy the ride while its lasts...then make more new products," she said.


Something that distinguishes Goodman's games is their ability cross over markets without having to alter packaging or content. The games are at once naughty and simply playful entertainment. This broad appeal is part of her mission: "One of my goals has always been to get my product out there to everyone."


This year, she also returned to the U.K.'s Erotic Trade Only Show, but with a bigger guns to back her up. Again, she is excited about showing off her larger line and happy to be distributed by Creative Conceptions/ID Lube UK. With these two elements in place, "It is much more likely that my products will get seen in the UK market," she said.


What is the lesson the smaller manufacturer can take from Ball and Chain? In a nutshell, keep developing your product line, give yourself crossover appeal with packaging and content that doesn't alienate the mainstream (if it suits your product), keep networking, and, most importantly, don't give up. Every thing great starts with fits and jumps, you just have to keep on truckin' until you can hit the cruise control...or upgrade to a higher-performance vehicle.