Slightly Sinful Becomes 'Sensual Nights'

BUNKER HILL, W.Va. - Adult retailer Slightly Sinful changed its name to Sensual Nights after another company beat owner Paige Critchley to trademarking the name.


"The new name went into effect in December [2007]," she told AVN Novelty Business. "Everything is still the same-just a new name. It has not affected business with the new name change. Customers realize it is still the same friendly staff and owner."


Critchley said she still works at the store several days a week and has done so since 2004, when she originally opened the store.


"I like to be face to face with my customers," she explained. "It is a comfortable atmosphere to come shopping. Just take a tour of the store on our website, and you'll see why."


Critchley said having to change the name of her store is just another obstacle she has overcome. In July 2004, the store met opposition from residents who started the group Citizens Against Slightly Sinful to protest its opening.


"The town was apparently not happy that we were there," Critchley said. "There was a petition going around to try to prevent us from opening. They even held community meetings to get the rest of the community against us. We attended a couple of meetings that were held at the high school to defend ourselves and explain that we are not going to have a run-down place. It was going to be a classy one and fit right in with the eight or so strip clubs around us. We were a professional business catering to professional couples."


Once the store opened, Critchley said, the community didn't stop, so she and her employees rallied back.


"They protested daily from open to close," she said. "They would stand there with their signs trying to get people to honk if they did not want us there. We decided to have a little fun and with our grand-opening party. We held a rally against the protesters. It was a success. We made the news and local papers, and the advertising was free. It lasted a few months, until the protesters realized that they were only helping us."


Sensual Nights has branched out by organizing its own brand of adult home parties.


"Our parties are unique," Critchley explained. "We do co-ed and cash-and-carry parties, which the customers seem to like because they get their products the night of the party. I am also in the process of shopping for property to open my second location and looking forward to opening my next store in the near future."