Size of a Man Revamps Packaging

LOS ANGELES - Less than a year after the online debut of The Phallumeasure, a penis-measuring tube, Size of a Man has redesigned the packaging to be more retailer-friendly.


Inventor Jared Spencer told AVN Novelty Business that Size of a Man's main focus now is to make the product more appealing to in-store consumers.


"When we designed the first box, we did it with the idea that since the product was going to be sold through our website, the consumer would only see the box after they had already purchased the product," he said. "Because of that, we did not take into consideration showing the product on the box and making the box appealing to a consumer on a store shelf.


"[For stores], it was very clear that we were in need of a complete redesign of our packaging. Our old box did not convey what was inside, so people would look at it for a while before they realized what they were holding. A lot of changes were made in our new packaging. It is larger and a lot more comfortable."


Additionally, windows have been cut into the box to showcase The Phallumeasure, its girth-measurement tape and its velveteen case.


"We also changed the terminology for our product," Spencer added. "We felt that adding ‘Penis Measuring Kit' to the box would allow consumers to see the box and instantly know what they were looking at. It is now called ‘The Final Say Penis Measuring Kit,' instead of just ‘The Final Say.'"


Size of a Man will debut the revamped packing for The Phallumeasure and Final Say Penis Measuring Kit on March 2 at ExpoMark.