Should Adult Businesses Join the Chamber of Commerce?

The adult industry has undergone remarkable changes in the last fifteen years, due largely to the growth of the web. The primary beneficiaries, of course, have been companies that moved some or all of their business online, or which were started specifically to take advantage of the new online environment.  The remarkable rise of online pornography, combined with the apparent success of the religious right (particularly in the South), have raised the question whether there is much of a future for brick-and-mortar adult businesses.




It is certainly true that online businesses have some advantages over brick-and-mortar stores. Purely online businesses do not have to worry about the costs of infrastructure: property taxes, municipal fees, rent or mortgages, fixtures, and so on. There is less chance of community opposition when a business is online, compared to the protests that are held frequently in front of sex shops. Moreover, the lower profile for online businesses makes it less likely that crusading politicians will hold them up as an example of everything that's wrong with society.


But the news is not all bad for traditional sex shops. Many are hedging their bets by adding an online element to their operations, which helps provide another revenue stream. Increasingly, as the adult industry matures and gains greater social acceptance, novelty stores and even video/magazine stores are accepted as responsible community members. Since adult businesses tend to weather hard times better than some other businesses, tolerance of adult businesses might be enhanced by the current economic situation.




But is there anything else that adult novelty businesses can do to boost their community standing and lessen the chances that a restrictive zoning ordinance will be adopted in their town? The local chamber of commerce might be one answer.


A chamber of commerce is typically a local or regional organization that provides various benefits to the business community, ranging from discounts on insurance, health care, and other services to lobbying at the local and state level. Not surprisingly, a key focus of a chamber of commerce is to provide networking opportunities for member business owners.


Admittedly, when one thinks sexually oriented business, "chamber of commerce" is not the first thing that pops into your head. And some chambers no doubt prefer it that way. Since local chambers are not government institutions (although they often work closely with city hall), they have the right to determine membership however they see fit. As a result, some conservative chambers might reject an adult business that had applied for membership.


But the majority of chambers would be welcoming, even pleasantly surprised, if area adult businesses decided to join. There are a surprising number of potential benefits for both sides.




What many people overlook is that chambers of commerce are themselves businesses, ones that rely on the membership fees of local establishments to survive. It's a relatively rare chamber that would turn up its nose at the application fee and ongoing dues paid by a new member—even if that new member sells vibrators, lubricant, and French maid costumes.


Since most adult novelty stores qualify as small businesses, there are numerous reasons for owners to consider joining their local chamber. The chief economic benefits, as noted earlier, are the savings that the chamber arranges with various service providers. If you've put off getting health insurance or dental insurance, this can be a low-cost way to sign up.


Chamber membership can also lead to new advertising opportunities. Most chambers provide lists of member businesses, maintain a publicly accessible website, and offer various members-only marketing opportunities. None of these options will necessarily target an adult business's core audience, but the possibilities shouldn't be overlooked.




The most important reason to consider joining a local chamber of commerce, however, is to have the chance to prevent restrictive zoning ordinances before they start. The two groups most likely to push for a sexually oriented business (SOB) zoning law are conservative religious groups and local businesses worried about the so-called secondary effects of adult businesses such as crime and decreased property values.


Unlike religious conservatives, however, local business owners are typically concerned more with economic issues than ideology. If you pay membership dues to a nearby chamber of commerce, attend some seminars or workshops on running a business, perhaps join a committee or two, and even show up at an occasional cocktail party, it is much less likely that the business community will be inclined to demonize your business.


Equally important, spending time with other local businesses will help you understand how you can minimize conflict. Acceptance of adult businesses is slowly growing, but that does not mean that they should operate in a rundown or overly provocative fashion.


Furthermore, membership in the local chamber of commerce is a clear sign that your goal is to work with other area businesses rather than consistently confront them.


The final thing to consider is that local chambers of commerce are typically a good source of political information. Some even lobby on behalf of their members, although it might be a bit much to expect that all but the most liberal chambers would advocate in favor of adult businesses. (That's what the ACLU is for.) But at the very least, belonging to a chamber of commerce is a great way to know which way the political winds are blowing, particularly on the more conservative side of the spectrum. If a movement is underway to change a community's zoning, you can be sure that the chamber will know about it. Even if it is not possible to stop a rezoning movement altogether, the chamber can be a good place to influence the process or learn who in the local political structure might be most amenable to your position. No matter what the issue is, more involvement and more information will only benefit you and your business.


You won't find a chamber of commerce at any of the adult trade shows, but that does not mean adult businesses should not get involved. As the industry matures and becomes more mainstream, chamber membership is precisely the type of thing that can not only benefit your specific business but help the steady push towards a more sex-positive society.



Frederick Lane is an attorney, expert witness, lecturer, and author who has appeared on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS, the BBC, and MSNBC. He is currently finishing work on People in Glass Houses: The Right to Privacy in the Age of Electronic Voyeurism (Beacon, 2009). For additional information, call 802-318-4604 or visit or