Sexx University Continues Successful GLBT Marketing Tour

WINNETKA, Calif. - Adult apparel manufacturer Sexx University continues its successful grass roots marketing blitz in the gay community with a recent stop at the L.A. Rodeo and plans for an event at Metro City Bar during San Francisco's gay pride festival.


Scott Bogunia, principal of Sexx University, told AVN Novelty Business the line was well-received at the L.A. Gay Rodeo last weekend, with many repeat customers bringing partners by the booth for additional purchases.


"Our white muscle T's were a huge hit with the rodeo crowd," he said. "The shirt is very high quality and contains a 16,000 stick embroidered SU logo on the breast that really looks sharp. It complements a pair of jeans perfectly, and the rodeo guests seemed to understand this straight away."


Sexx University contributed fun and entertainment for the "cowboys and cowboy-ettes" Saturday evening at the Grand Ballroom of the Warner Center Marriot Hotel, where the official L.A. Rodeo dance was held. Bogunia said he was pleasantly surprised at the turnout, considering the triple digit heat in the West San Fernando Valley.


"The lavish event provided the perfect air-conditioned ambiance to debut SU's spring line," he said. "We graduated ‘cowboys and cowboy-ettes' of all shapes and sizes with Sexx University MSA degrees and professional graduation photography. We really enjoy doing on-site events and benefits such as the L.A. Rodeo and contributing our professional ‘value-added' service at no cost. It's the perfect way for SU to receive wonderful feedback on our product mix, discuss future garment offerings, and even offer apparel for sale that may not be available on the website yet."


For those who purchase a Sexx University garment, Bogunia and Co. provide a "graduation" photograph and print a Sexx University diploma with the customer's name on it at the event. He said since doing these events in the gay and lesbian community, the line has really begun to take off in that market.


"Folks really resonate with the Sexx University ‘experience;' it adds a fun-factor to an event and gives guests something extra and special to experience," he said. We also enjoy running into previous customers-aka past SU Alumni-at these on-site events too. It's always nice to hear ‘Alumni' tell us how well our clothing is wearing, the fun factor it provides, or how well an SU gift was received."


Sexx University's on-site visits have included several Gay Rodeo events, Erotica L.A., Exotic Erotic Ball, and various L.A. and Las Vegas nightclubs and circuit parties.


SU will head to San Francisco this coming weekend and set up shop at the Metro City Bar, located at 2124 Market Street, for the entire Pride weekend, June 27 to 29.


For information on booking Sexx University to host an on-site event at your venue, contact Scott Bogunia via email at [email protected].


To see pictures from the L.A. Rodeo, visit ANB's gallery page.