Sex Toy Dave on Another TV Show

LOS ANGELES—Dave Levine, aka Sex Toy Dave, is becoming as well known for his reality TV appearances as he is for his website,

His latest appearance on the small screen is in the Joan Rivers vehicle How’d You Get So Rich?

For the show's pilot, Levine went to brunch on Rodeo Drive with two beautiful women before heading to a pool party. Rivers "ambushed" them at the cafe.

"I never thought our clips were going to be on TV because I thought that footage was only for the pilot. But then I suddenly started getting phone calls that I was on TV again," Levine said.

Levine’s appearance, though scheduled for the pilot, ended up airing on the sixth episode. For those counting, this marks Levine’s third go-round in the world of reality TV. In 2008, he appeared on Season 1 of Bravo's Millionaire Matchmaker and again on Season 2, and this year he was on the short-lived Megan Wants a Millionaire on VH1. How'd You Get So Rich airs on TV Land.

"I was shocked and excited to hear the domain mentioned on the air on TV Land. Usually the only domains I can promote in mainstream media are,, and, so I was quite excited to hear the words 'sex toy dot com' on mainstream TV!" Levine said.

A few years ago, Levine moved to Hollywood from Boston.  He bought a mansion in the hills, installed a stripper pole in his living room, and started giving out vibrators at every event. He soon became known throughout Hollywood as "Sex Toy Dave."

For more information, visit or any of his other websites.