'SeXis' Magazine: Sex Education for a New Generation

JAMESBURG, N.J. — For online adult novelty store Eden Fantasys it all started with a simple, yet provocative question: sex is...? The answer to that and a whole lot more can be found on the company’s recently launched entertaining and educational e-zine, SeXis.

SeXis magazine is a collective work produced by Eden Fantasys that provides clear, honest sexual advice and education in a friendly, sex-positive way.

“It all started with two simple words: sex is...”said Fred Petrenko, president of Eden Fantasy. “From there, SeXis jumps in with both feet, featuring smart, fun and provocative advice and how-to, as well as information on health and relationships. This magazine is a collective work, by, of and for the people.”

SeXis features articles by sex educators and professionals as well as slice-of-sex-life pieces written by real people talking about real experiences, providing important information and honest opinions as well as in depth analogies toward the constant evolution of our sexual culture.

“Originally it was driven by the idea that our products are unique,” said Petrenko. “The original idea was driven by customer’s requests for more information. SeXis began out of the need to consolidate accurate and useful information about sex, gender, relationships, intimacy and more that had been spread all over the internet. To create a new online resource that creates a balance and bridges the gap between sex educators and advice columnists, written in a fun and mature way that is not tedious or uncomfortable to read and to share.”

Online since March, the goal is mission is simple: To provide an ongoing resource of fact, opinion and perspective on sex that reflect society and the company’s sex-positive message of inclusion of all genders, orientations, relationship styles and points of view and to create understanding and awareness in exploring the diverse topics of human sexuality.

“We felt there was a need to create a new online vehicle of sex writing and sex-education that was cross-cultural, smart, and savvy, blending expertise, experience and everyday concerns of the average person,” said Fred Petrenko. “We also felt this was a huge opportunity to provide customers and readers something that hasn’t been done before.

SeXis magazine is updated weekly with new articles presented in an unbiased and respectful way that displays Eden’s sex-positive attitude. The company feels that this e-zine is sure to add a little spice to people’s sex lives and to educate, inform and help people discover their own private art. 

And so far, according to Petrenko, The response from the community and the Internet has been positive.

“There has been a lot of interest generated from both readers and writers with the passing on of links on Twitter and the blogosphere.

Visit the site at EdenFantasys.com/SeXis/.