Rachel Kramer Bussel’s Spanked Trailer Pulled

SAN FRANCISCO - Rachel Kramer Bussel knows how to find an audience. In preparation for her new book, Spanked: Red Cheeked Erotica, the erotica author and editor started a blog, a virtual book tour, and a trailer. Now, the audience in Vimeo and Flickr has found her promotional book trailer and removed it within hours of her initial post.


Kara Wuest of Cleis Press told AVN Novelty Business that Rachel couldn't foresee the curious enforcement of terms of service from Vimeo and Flickr. She said that Vimeo emailed Kramer Bussel to say that they "do not post pornography or commercial videos."


"Considering that the site shows both racy content and book trailers, it is not clear why Rachel was singled out," Wuest said. "Flickr is known for removing anything resembling sexual content, so their response was less of a surprise."


Wuest went on to explain that the book trailer has no nudity and no sex and that Rachel was clear when making it that she "wanted to appeal to as many people as possible and that she "wasn't making pornography."


"While Rachel's smile is awfully suggestive, the video shows a variety of spankings with clothed models as she reads short excerpts," said Wuest.


To judge for yourself, click through the following links at YouTube or Blip to view the trailer.