Probation for 'Porn Inspector'

LONGMONT, Colo. - A man who posed as a police officer and demanded that clerks at an adult novelty shop give him free videos has been sentenced to two years' probation.

Andrew Libby, 34, was arrested last August on charges of impersonating a police officer, possession of an illegal weapon and possession of marijuana and drug paraphernalia. During his trial, which ended Friday, his attorney told a judge that Libby is bi-polar and shows signs of schizophrenia and believed he was on a one-man mission to stop the store from "making, and selling, videos with under-aged girls in them." Libby pleaded guilty to impersonating a police officer in exchange for the probation sentence.

Court documents say Libby went to the store, flashed a badge and identified himself as a member of the Longmont Police Department's "age verification unit." He told the clerk he needed to inspect several pornographic DVDs to look for underage actors, reported. Clerks did not give him any materials.

His attorney, Kristi Sanders, said Libby acted out after watching a pornographic video in which he thought he recognized a 15-year-old girl. Sanders said he believed the discovery put his life in danger, and that he needed to shut down what he perceived to be a child pornography operation.

The paper reported Libby has been in and out of mental institutions since his initial arrest.