Pleasure Chest Releases Themed Mini-Kits

LOS ANGELES - Adult retail chain The Pleasure Chest has released a line of branded kits themed to appeal to a wide range of consumers.


David Ballow, the company's national director of operations, told AVN Novelty Business that producing Pleasure Chest-branded merchandise seemed like the right move.


"We have been supplying boutique and luxury hotels for several years," he said. "With that success, we felt the natural progression would be to offer our customers fun and affordable kits for any sexy occasion."


Ballow said there is a new mini-kit for anyone seeking to inject pleasure and excitement into their love lives. The new releases include the Lustful Secretary, Marriage Therapy, Potent Perv, Serial Dater, Sexy Seductress, Single Guy at the Office and the Stressed Out Mommy kits.


Educator and designer Olivia Hayes told ANB the kits stemmed from trends the store noticed in the items its customers loved most.


"Everyone has their own sexual style, a blend of what they like and what they want that is as customized as a fingerprint," she said. "So we matched those beloved items up with their best product partners in a host of varieties. Now, our assortment of Pleasure Chest mini-sex kits are available in sleek packaging for an easy purchase. That way, you're the chef. We just mix up the ingredients for one hell of a delicious time."


For a complete description of each kit, visit the press-release section of the ANB website.


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