Online Store Cleo's Boutique Launches

LOS ANGELES - Cleo's Boutique, an online store created with discerning customers in mind, is up and running, offering top-drawer romance and erotica products in an upscale environment.


"Our visitor is in complete control of their shopping experience in an online boutique which replicates a visit to an upscale department store," said Cleo, the spokesmodel for the site.


Through the site's "elevator" feature, visitors to Cleo's Boutique can control the contents of their visits. This allows consumers to never be presented products they would not purchase or might find offensive, Cleo said.


Using elevator buttons and departments, visitors can browse toys, books, videos and body products from leading manufacturers, choosing the first, second or third floor based on their comfort level.


The site has specialty areas such as "honeymoon" or "romantic evening," and a special department features products for women with post-surgical, menopausal or post-injury issues. 


Cleo's Boutique offers gift certificates and a guarantees customer satisfaction.


The store donates a portion of its profits to Gilda's Club, Locks of Love, Women for Women International and ABCD (After Breast Cancer Diagnosis).


For more information, visit