Online Retailer Offers Sexual Wellness Talk Along With Toys

CYBERSPACE—Eve Monique found success in the Netherlands as a hair and makeup artist, and her time in the fashion world had plenty of positive highlights, including featured work in magazines such as Vogue and Elle. But it also provided her with opportunities to ponder why so many women have trouble with sexual fulfillment, even in a modern and largely permissive western culture.

"In my past I was sexually dissatisfied and unable to have orgasms," said Monique, who experienced a tough divorce before eventually meeting her current partner. "I wanted so much more from my sexual experiences than I was getting, so I immersed myself in confronting my own sexuality. Basically I educated myself and opened my heart, body and mind to a whole new array of possibilities in the sexual universe."

Armed with more understanding about herself, Monique began a new life. Ten years after relocating to the United States she partnered with a friend and business associate, Bartleby Ross, and together they founded The goal was to create a sex-positive online boutique where women could find discussions about fulfilling and exciting sexual experiences, free from the shame and guilt that hampers the enjoyment of sex.

After selecting products that fit their overall mission, finally launched. The website offers a carefully curated lineup of high-end products for purchase, along with a wealth of free articles and discussion opportunities about sexual wellness and fulfillment. The atmosphere is safe, non-judgmental and encouraging. The site also is illustrated with images that feature larger size or older women, with none of the pictures relying on heavy digital manipulation.

"Sex and curiosity shouldn't end at middle age like it does for so many," Monique said. "The baby boomers (the over 50 crowd) are wanting to explore and push sexual boundaries. The success of 50 Shades is very indicative of this. It's time to completely remove shame and guilt."

The boutique section of is stocked with all kinds of intimate playthings that singles and couples can use to explore their own fantasies and kinky turn-ons. The inventory includes lingerie items for dressing up, kinky tools for 50 Shades fans who want to try out some light bondage play, and general items for wellness and increased sexual enjoyment.

"When we are very young we are all so comfortable with our bodies and our nakedness," Monique added. "As we grow, many of us learn to be uncomfortable with nudity and sex. We aim to free people from that discomfort. People anywhere and everywhere have desires. When you repress those desires it causes pain and suffering. is all about helping people see that they have a choice."

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