Meet Mr. Happy: A Lighthearted Look at Male Nude Model

LOS ANGELES—Meet Mr. Happy might not sound like a name you'd associate with an erotic art book featuring a very happy penis, but it certainly ends up working with the finished product. This lighthearted look at the penis features nude model Wil Nolan. You'll see classic black-and-white nude art photos right next to a whimsical picture of his penis sticking out of a banana peel. This combination really gives Meet Mr. Happy its charm.

The Meet Mr. Happy project got started from a simple question posed to Nolan, from a girl in one of the art classes he was doing nude posing for: “Have you ever thought of making a book for women, featuring your cock?” That started the thought process that ultimately produced this book, with a focus on a positive, lighthearted way.

Nolan joined up with a photographer friend, and with her skills and his manhood they came out with this beautiful and fun look at the penis. Although Nolan had 15 years of experience as a nude model, he has never been involved in a project that focused almost entirely on his penis.

“My favorite experience with the project was honestly the liberating feeling of having my cock photographed with a full hard-on. It was wonderful to see how many ways we could represent the subject,” Nolan told

Nolan got into modeling after drawing nude models in art school. One day he thought to himself, “Hey, I could do that!” and the rest, as they say, is history. When Meet Mr. Happy is released at the end of September, he plans on going on tour to show it off. That's certainly not the end of the penis feature either—he's planning on releasing a second book, this one featuring erotic shots of him jacking off.

Meet Mr. Happy has received plenty of recognition, with features on the Playboy Cable Channel, displays at the Whole Earth Festival in Davis, Calif., and a spot on the shelves at a women's sensuality shop in San Rafael, Calif.

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