Masque Sexual Flavors’ Top Tips to Make Love Last

TAMPA—The folks at Masque, makers of Sexual Flavors, the juicy oral sex strips that deliver maximum pleasure in the bedroom, understand that the thrill ride of the Valentine’s romance can tend to slow down. So they’ve come up with eight simple tips to help couples keep love alive long after the romantic buzz of Valentine’s Day wears off.

Sexy Talk: When you’re apart, sexy talk is fun to keep the passion going, but so is sharing a particular great memory that you had together, like a vacation or first date. Setting aside moments to remember happy times keeps the bond strong.

Be thoughtful: Sure, flowers and gifts are nice, but picking up batteries at the store because your partner mentioned last week he/she was out—even better. Not just for the gesture, but because you were paying attention! Small moments leave big imprints.

Holiday weight: Have you or your partner put on a few pounds over the holidays? Instead of loudly pointing it out, simply plan activities like hiking, long walks or the gym and plan/prepare healthier meals together. A motivating partner helps us along from time to time: Be one!

Give and Take on Date Night: Make a night all about your partner, then a night where it’s all about you. If you hate sushi and your partner loves it, or you love sports bars and your mate would rather not, you’re missing out on activities together that are otherwise shared with other people. Nothing wrong with that, but why not, every once in a while, give and take?

Healthy Venting: There is a time and place for complaining. Part of healthy communication between couples is venting about problems and challenges in life. But sometimes, even without knowing it, negativity can take hold in our daily routine and create strain on a partnership. Enjoy every day with a positive attitude and set time aside to talk out the bad stuff.

When it comes to criticizing your partner, don’t. Think before you speak, then express your frustration with consideration to his/her feelings.

Kiss and hug every day, but when you do… linger. Feel that spark again, if only for a minute.

Give lots of oral pleasure to your partner, and be sure to use Masque Sexual Flavors oral strips in chocolate, strawberry, mango or watermelon. Mix the flavors up to keep the fun going.

Even the most passionate of lovers can lose steam over the long haul of commitment, but making the time and effort for your love, along with keeping Masque oral strips on the bedside table, you’re ensuring a happy, healthy connection for years to come.

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