Masque Sexual Flavors Brings Tropical Flair to Bedroom

TAMPAMasque Sexual Flavors ( is offering a new flavor just in time for the new year. The oral sex strip is now available in mango. The tropical fruit flavor provides additional options for couples resolving to be more adventurous in the bedroom in 2012.

“We use all our senses during oral sex, which is why it is so intimate," said one participant in an independent study funded by Masque. “So for those people who may have an issue with one of those senses—taste, this is a great product.”

Designed with couples in mind, Masque aims to enhance intimacy and communication between partners.

“The more you have sex with someone, the more connected you become. But oral sex is more of a connection than intercourse. It is more personal,” said one research participant.

The study also showed that 60 percent of women would have an increased interest in performing oral sex with the use of Masque.

“We have received a lot of feedback about our mango strips. We feel strongly that this could become one of our most popular flavors,” saidhael Guilfoyle, COO of Masque.

Masque is also available in chocolate, strawberry and watermelon flavors. The oral sex strips can be purchased on the company’s website,, or on for $12. Each pack contains three individually-wrapped gel strips.