Marcus Mojo is Newest Fleshjack Boy

AUSTIN, TexasFleshjack has announced Marcus Mojo as the newest addition to the roster of Fleshjack Boys.

Need to bulk up your personal time? Then you can't pick a hotter sex-machine than Marcus Mojo to help out. Whether you want to experience his cock, ass or mouth, Fleshjack has got you fully covered. And there's a special treat for those who want this famous hunk's butt Fleshjack—it has an all-new, exclusive signature texture that's sure to have you screaming for more.

His signature texture is the Marvel, a layered, euphoric canal of pleasure that may be the most bizarrely sensational Fleshjack texture to date.

As an added incentive, the first 100 customers to purchase one of his Fleshjack products will receive an autographed Fleshjack—signed by Marcus Mojo himself.

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