Hustler Lingerie Meets and Shoots Fresh Talent

LOS ANGELES - As part of its Sexy Model Search, Hustler Lingerie is holding a two-day photo shoot on July 16 and 17. Ten contestants will be test shot at a confidential location in the Los Angeles area.


"These kinds of events encourage the public to participate in the creation of the brand," company president Elan Rofé said. "Without them, we wouldn't mean shit anyway!"


During the AVN Novelty Expo (Universal City, Calif., July 14 to 15), the brand will host a meet and greet for contestants towards the end of each day. Models will then be able to meet the team, see the show, and help determine the key factors the team will consider when selecting a winner. The same contestants will be part of the test shoot in the two days following the ANE.


Of the test shoot, Wilson Kello, creative director, said, "The shoot will be conducted in the same manner and with the same personnel as all Hustler Lingerie shoots. We do this to determine how well the team and the models interact together-you have to make sure you can work together with someone."


A final Sexy Summer Model Contest event is planned to be held in September, with details to follow.


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