Hollywood Foreplay Offers 'Perpetual Profits' Program to Retailers

BOLINGBROOK, Ill. - Hollywood Foreplay, a division of Sunset Lifestyle Affiliates, has restructured its Perpetual Profits Program to help retailers profit in tough economic times.

The program allows the company to private-label and customize a small foreplay game for each retailer.

"Think of it as a long-term marketing and advertising program that generates multiple profits and just happens to be disguised as a great foreplay game," said Steven Bloome, president of Hollywood Foreplay.

Retailers can profit up to three times from a single sale of the private-labeled foreplay game through an included coupon and customized game pieces emblazoned with the retailer's branding. A starburst on the game packaging alerts customers to the coupon, which offers an incentive to make future purchases.

"We've found no other product or program that allows us to continue to profit from the single sale of just one product, let alone advertise long-term to qualified buyers for years, at basically no cost to us," said Dan Fahrner, marketing director for Sybaris Romantic Pool Suites. "Plus, it's really a great game for such a small package. For anyone in the adult entertainment or products business, this is a no-brainer once they fully understand the program. I can't imagine why anyone wouldn't want to take advantage of this program to increase their sales and exposure."

For more information on the Hollywood Foreplay Perpetual Profits Program, visit HF3Profits.com or e-mail [email protected].