HPPPA Website Gets New Look

SACRAMENTO, Calif. - The Home Pleasure Party Plan Association has redesigned its website, HPPPA.org.

"Our members are our focus whether they are a party plan, distributor or manufacturer," said Tamara Payton-Bell, founder of HPPPA. "We wanted to create a site that invites, entices and educates."

The site is now more user friendly, and boasts a sleek, sexy look. Announced on the new site are the formation of an HPPPA book club, and a planned retreat.

The website helps HPPPA branch out and reached members throughout the U.S. and Canada, Payton-Bell said.

"In this industry, you can't sit around and think that change will come to you, you have to seize it," she said. "I feel that HPPPA has now arrived."

For more information, visit HPPPA.org.