Good Vibes Celebrates Mother’s Day With Discounts, Play Dates

SAN FRANCISCO—This Mother’s Day, Mom can get what she really wants by taking a trip to Good Vibrations’ Mommy Playdates, a fun, after-hours mixer for mothers who want to learn how to put the spice back in their sex lives. Moms can enjoy a “Mommi-tini” cocktail with a personalized store tour and a one-on-one consultation with Good Vibrations’ staff sexologist and renowned author/expert, Dr. Carol Queen.

In honor of Mother’s Day, which officially falls on May 8, Good Vibrations will be hosting the next Mommy Playdate on Tuesday, May 3 at their new downtown San Francisco at 899 Mission Street. Until then, moms can visit for tips on how to support a sex life when kids enter the picture, information about Mommy Playdates, and special shopping guides and discounts for moms who want to put the spice back in their sex lives. Good Vibrations Sexy Mama blog posts include such relevant issues as how to talk to your kids about sex, how to make time to feel sexy, how to nourish yourself, as well as fun, personal pieces from a variety of bloggers about sex and motherhood. 

Can’t make the Playdate? Good Vibrations is offering all shoppers a special 15 percent discount throughout the month of May when they come in with a mom. The company wisely figures: when Mom is happy, everyone’s happy! 

Many moms put their needs at the bottom of the list and sex and sexual health can be easily forgotten. Most wonder when their sex lives will ever get back to normal after the baby comes home and are completely unprepared for the physical and emotional roller coaster ride that comes in the months following the baby’s arrival. This can also be true as baby becomes toddler and toddler becomes pre-schooler, and intimacy takes second place as parents try and meet the demands of their child and make sense of their role as a parent. This is not just for women who have recently given birth—adoptive moms and moms who have children of various ages are welcome too.

 “Understanding how the arrival of a baby can affect sex and intimacy is exactly why we decided to launch the Mommy Playdates,” said Staff Sexologist Dr. Carol Queen. “Good Vibrations has nurtured our female customers through many lifecycles—from the ‘first time’ experiences to menopause. Why not help guide them through this period of their lives as well?”

Good Vibrations is the legendary San Francisco-based retailer that takes pride in providing accurate information on sexuality and toys for grown-ups.