Ask yourself: Are you getting the most out of your breasts? Replica 3D breasts, that is. Properly marketed, they can be a strong seller.
"I think the possibilities are endless," says Chad Braverman, Doc Johnson's director of product development and licensing. "All it takes is a little creativity. Why not a Big Boob Blowout sale?" Why not, indeed? After all, North Americans are obsessed. This is why all kinds of products are linked to breasts, right down to the restaurant chain Hooters. Face it: Breasts sell!
Despite this fact, most adult retailers do little to promote realistic breast replicas except for putting them on display. Why not? "Well, I suppose that they could be used for masturbation, but my feeling is that [since] they would be quite expensive due to the amount of material required and not quite as satisfying as other body parts, we would probably not be inclined to sell them unless there was a specific request," says Anna Amitay, owner of Toronto's legendary Lovecraft stores.
If you do want to stock them, or if, like Amitay, you want to be prepared for customer requests, what replica breasts are available? Topco Sales ' PleasureSkin copy of Danni Ashe's 32FF breasts, launched in 2003 as Danni's Jiggly Fantasy Pair, were first on the market, and Doc Johnson issued Jenna's Perfect Pair. According to Braverman, these are "a realistic molding of Jenna Jameson's breasts made with Doc Johnson's UR3 material for an incredibly natural look and feel."
Recently, Topco brought another popular pair to the marketplace, introducing the Kimberly Williams PleasureSkin 36DD Breasts. "Topco Sales has immortalized my breasts perfectly," Williams says, "so everyone can get their hands, and other parts, on me."
For its part, Topco is certainly trying to promote the presence of Danni's and Kimberly's replicas. "As with all our products, these items are included in our catalogs and on our website, and they are presented to all the major distributors," says Desiree Duffie, Topco's director of marketing and public relations. "We also just issued a press release on Kimberly Williams' PleasureSkin 36DD Breasts, and her item is included in a print advertisement that will appear in several Penthouse magazines, including Forum, Variations, The Girls of Penthouse, and Letters, over the next year."
Doc Johnson is also willing to promote Jenna's Perfect Pair. "We are here to help in any way possible," Braverman says. "From in-store POP displays to banners and signs, we will do whatever is possible to increase sales for our retailers."
Since these items will be new to most customers, try marketing breast replicas aggressively. Here are some suggestions:
First, prominently display breast replicas next to DVDs and other novelties (such as dolls or replica genitals) branded by the same porn star. If they have a magazine presence, like Kimberly Williams in Penthouse (she was Pet of the Month in June 2007), then display a blowup of her magazine cover. In this regard, Topco is happy to help: "The entire Penthouse Pet Collection merchandises well together, and retailers can take advantage of the strong Penthouse name by organizing their shelves and walls with that brand," Duffie says. "We offer a variety of store signage that supports the Penthouse brand."
The same is true for Doc Johnson. "Being that Doc Johnson has a partnership with Club Jenna as the exclusive manufacturer of all Jenna Jameson and Club Jenna branded items, we use every opportunity to tie all the products together," says Braverman.
Don't stop there: Replica breasts can also be used to sell lingerie, nipple toys and jewelry, and anything else that relates to breasts. Body lotions and edible oils are a natural complement, or try targeting seasonal shoppers with holiday-related items such as Valentine's Day peek-a-boo corsets.
Here's a twist: Target the bi-curious female market (and their male companions) by cross-promoting replica breasts with replica female genitals, threesome MFF videos, vibrators, and anything else that seems right. After all, it is far safer for couples to experiment with bisexuality in the privacy of their homes using realistic toys than by inviting in the neighbors! (In fact, replicas of both female and male parts can be marketed to allow customers to test the waters of same-sex fun, without any risk of embarrassment or exposure.)
The fact is that big breasts sell, so why not harness that sales power by marketing their replicas emphatically? After all, you won't lose your shirt for doing so-and if your store's replica breasts lose their shirts, no one will mind!