GOP POTUS Candidates’ Popularity Immortalized As Butt Plugs

NEW YORKForget pie charts, bar graphs and even Venn diagrams. ANew YorkUniversity grad student has taken dry statistics—the voter approval rates amongst registered Republicans for each of the GOP candidates—and had more than a little fun with them.

His project, dubbed the Grand Old Party, is a set of black silicone butt plugs that visually represent the data.

According to The Daily Beast, Matthew Epler unveiled the project as part of pursuing his master’s in NYU’s Interactive Telecommunications Program.

“The poll data come fromGallup’s website,” the article reads. “The width, specifically, is the quantity by percentage out of 100 percent for approval of each candidate. The height of the toy then represents the length of each candidate’s campaign.”

The plugs retail for $65 (or in Perry and Bachmann’s cases, $45) on Epler’s website at, which

“The contours of these delightful shapes conjure up the waves of amber grain and those lapping at the rim of our great nation spanning from sea to shining sea. As the battle for the Presidency rails on, we must remember that Americans may have achieved freedom through war, but they are also a people of love. After all, in the end all we have is each other,” the site reads.

The designs were a hit at ITP’s Spring Show … can it be long until they are popping up on retailers’ shelves?