Fun Factory, City Girl Dispel Myth Cancer Erases Sexuality

LOS ANGELES—Fun Factory and have joined forces to support the breast cancer awareness group Pink Jams, a Washington, D.C.-based nonprofit organization dedicated to raising breast cancer awareness among men and women under the age of 40. Throughout October, using Stef Wood’s promotional code at will help raise funds for Pink Jams.

“City Girl” is the online pseudonym of Stef Woods, a relationship blogger, sex educator/professor, attorney, cancer survivor, and all-around sexuality advocate. One of her main goals, now that she is working with Pink Jams, is to dispel the myth that cancer erases sexuality.

“Much of the available literature focuses on how cancer will harm your dating and sex life,” Woods said. “However, if a patient values his or her sexual health and there are no medical restrictions to doing so, that patient should be encouraged to prioritize his or her sexual health.”

After being diagnosed with breast cancer in June 2010, City Girl has continued her advocacy for both breast cancer awareness and sexual health, stating that they are in no way mutually exclusive. This partnership with Fun Factory is inspired by the company’s strong support of body-safe silicone and healthy female sexuality. 

Emilie Rosanvallon, communications director of Fun Factory, said, “To us this partnership helps share our belief that everyone can enjoy healthy sexual life, including the thousands of women diagnosed with breast cancer each year.”

“I take enormous comfort in the fact that I don’t have to worry about the quality or safety of any Fun Factory product,” Woods said. “I wish more companies were as committed to their consumers’ health as Fun Factory.”

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